Friday, December 11, 2009

Where I've been ...

Sorry I have been so disturbingly quiet the last month or so! Thank you for your messages of concern and encouragement.

Things have been busy here, our darling Little Guy is now 9 months old but has been back to sleeping like a newborn ... in fact far worse than as a newborn. Teething and a cold seem to have completely taken him out of what little routine he had!

The way for me to stay sane until he starts to sleep better is to just accept it, know that this too will pass, and to accept (reluctantly) that blogging will have to wait until he starts to settle again.

I have lots of drafts and tonnes more ideas, so I really hope that one day soon I can start blogging with a vengeance!

In the meantime wishing you all a wonderful Christmas.

Gypsy xx


Mary said...

Thanks for the heads up Gypsy! Will look forward to your return and wishing you sleep-filled nights ahead.

Annicles said...

OH yuck - bad luck! Do your best to stay sane until he starts sleeping again.

sarah said...

So nice to hear from you :-) I hope your little guy finds some peace soon.

PlanningQueen said...

Hoping you are getting some sleep and look forward to your posts!

Indigo, madder, marigold said...

Oh thanks! Blogs will be here, but babies grow too fast! This too shall pass and be a lovely dream :)

Jess said...

Best of luck with that - i completely relate. My girl got worse with night waking as she got older!!???!! Then she did get better again. Hopefully the phase will transform into more shut eye for all of you soon.


Johanna in NZ said...

Hi - thanks for visiting my blog a while back. We have one of those newborn-like sleepers too. I have to keep telling myself, "It's not going to be like this forever. She will grow out of it one day." She's one now, and we're still waiting. But she still brings us so much joy.

sweetfleece said...

great to find your blog...
hope you re back soon